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Small Framed   Paintings
opening hours
Tuesday - Saturday
10am - 3pm

Sunday 10am - 2pm

anytime by appointment
Shop3  2 Latrobe Terrace Paddington 4064

About Us

Red Sand Aboriginal Art Gallery was established in 1996 at TiTree, (Anmatyerre (ar-mud-jerra) Country) a small community 190 kilometers north of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. Over many years the gallery forged strong working relationships with artists from Willowra (Walpiri Country) in the west to the Utopia Homelands in the east. Utopia is and was home to some of the truly great Indigenous artists, Kathleen Petyarre, Greeny Purvis, Ada Bird, Cowboy louis Pwerle to name but a few.


Many artworks from this region are created by using very fine precise dotwork this dotting depicts the variations in the terrain of the country. Another type of artwork is "Awelye" - body paint,this makes for a strong linear painting with deep spiritual significance for Aborigines and Aboriginal culture. Ochres and spinifex ashes are mixed with Kangaroo or Emu fat to make the body paint and it's these designs that are replicated on to canvas.

In 2001  Red Sand opened a second Aboriginal art gallery in Alice Springs and started to incorporate superb works from Kintore and the Central desert. Bold beautiful colours and paintings holding immense and significant meaning. Aboriginal Paintings are based on the Dreamtime and the Dreaming - Tjukurpa - of which the artist has a strong relationship and responsibility to uphold. Each dreaming in turn has specific songs and ceremony which are often represented in Aboriginal Art.

After more than two decades in the Northern Territory, Red Sand Aboriginal Art Gallery relocated to Paddington in Brisbane where it now calls home and houses a vast collection of early contemporary indigenous artworks, genuine termite hollowed Didgeridoos,Boomerangs, artifacts and sculptures.

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